Rents in Bellingham have been soaring from the last few years. The housing market is at 99% occupancy rate which means it’s almost impossible to find a place to rent. As soon as there is an occupancy, it gets filled up even before the place makes it to the listings. In such a scenario, if you’re looking for a rental place, it’s going to be a long search. Instead of renting a home, have you given a thought to buying a house in Bellingham? With your own home in the area, you’d never have to worry about the rising rents. It will be your own home with no problems of moving out every few years.

Before buying a house in Bellingham, make sure you ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it offer the lifestyle you want?
  • Over the years, is it going to save money for you?
  • Do you have a touring job?
  • Do you plan to use it now or in your old age?
  • How much can you afford?

Buying a new home is a monumental task in anybody’s life. It’s living the American dream. To achieve it, you need to clean up your credit ratings, apply for a mortgage, collect enough down payment, and then move into the new place with all your possessions. That’s a lot of work!

With all that work, why do so many people still want to buy a new home? Because once you’re done with the hard work, it’s time to sit back and enjoy. When you have your own home, you don’t have to go house hunting every few years to look for a better or more affordable living space.

Here are some reasons why buying a house in Bellingham is a good idea

Predictable monthly payments

When you get a fixed-rate mortgage, the monthly payments are decided beforehand. You know exactly how much you will spend each month for the coming years. The rent prices will not decide your lifestyle. As the rent prices in Bellingham are soaring, many families are forced to move out of their homes and look for cheaper places. With your own home, you don’t have to worry about any of that.


As the property market keeps improving, your home will have a higher value. Depending on the market conditions, your home might become double its price in a couple of decades. This makes a home one of the best investments you can ever make. In the future, if you ever decide to move into a bigger home, you can sell this one that will fetch you much more than what you bought it for.

Tax benefits

Several expenses of owning a home are tax deductible. For example, the interest paid on mortgage is tax deductible. This means more cost benefits for you as you get to keep a larger part of your hard earned money.

Free to change

As a renter, you don’t generally think, “I would love to paint this wall in red” or “I wonder how these doors would look with new knobs.” There are some changes that your landlord might allow you to make but not all of them. Most renters don’t want to renovate because they will ultimately have to leave the place and let the benefits of renovation go to the landlord. But when you have your own home, you don’t need permission. Also, you don’t have to think about who’s going to benefit from the renovation because it’s your own home.


When you have your own home, it builds equity. This means that you’ll always have something to depend on during your rainy days. With a home, you can easily get a loan and start a project or a company. Home equity can be used for several other purposes as well.

Buying a house in Bellingham means a secure retirement

Bellingham is a great place and you might want to retire and spend your golden years here. For an easy and comfortable life, you’ll need your own home with no hassles of paying rent. When you have your own home, you can have a relaxed retirement and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Your mortgage will be over in a few decades and after that, you can enjoy a life without monthly residential payments.

Also, don’t forget, while owning a home has many financial benefits, the best part is the happiness you get by knowing that it’s your home.

Talk to a local expert

Thinking of buying a house in Bellingham? Then talk to a local expert and start your house hunting with an unfair advantage.


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